CSS Reset Files
Careful! This post is looking a little old and could be inaccurate in many, many ways
While I am putting the finishing touches to my account of the FOWD conference (it’s a bit long) I thought I would add my opinion to the widening discussion over CSS reset files.
After a period of growing support for the CSS reset file it has recently been receiving some bad press from some developers within the community, these people have even been going as far as to question the ability of developers using such files.
Personally I use an imported CSS reset file based on the file by Eric Meyers. The reset file is more basic that many of those available, the reason for this is that have stripped out many elements in the file that I either do not use, or do not use regularly. This means I know exactly what my reset file does and can assess the individual treatment a browser gives to an element I may not have used, before I add it to the reset file.
I am not one to discredit somes opinion as an opinion is one persons view rather than fact (as much as that opinion may be based on facts). However I think that using a reset file is a useful tool for a developer to have browsers acting in a uniform way. This can potentially save a developer alot of time coding and bug-fixing. I think however it is good for a developer to create their own reset file, or tailor another person’s file for their own needs, this way they retain more control and understanding over the code they use.