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Feed Update

Careful! This post is looking a little old and could be inaccurate in many, many ways

About a week ago I got the email about FeedBurner becoming fully integrated into Google and to be honest I didn’t read it in much depth but I did see the part where if I did nothing my feeds would become inactive by the end of February, not something I wanted to happen.

Given that I haven’t used FeedBurner in months and remembering the hassle involved in integrating it the last time I thought I’d just drop it and go back to the standard setup. However naively I thought after the couple of changes required that my feeds would continue to work as normal, however this may not be the case for everyone.

Unfortunately some people’s feed will no longer be working; apologies. I’ve looked into a couple of solutions to try and resurrect the old feed in the short term while people move across to the new feed but after a couple of attempts nothing appeared to be working. For this reason I have to ask that anyone wishing to keep up to date with the feed update their reader with the URL below:

I know how frustrating it can be to have to update feeds when sites decide to change them on a whim and although I have no crystal ball to see into the future I hope that this won’t happen again in the future.
