Is this responsive design?
Careful! This post is looking a little old and could be inaccurate in many, many ways
I’ve gotten into a poor habit recently of skim reading many new posts about the web, and not doing the necessary investigation into some of the new advancements on the web. One of these is responsive design. My understanding of responsive design is to think of designing a website using a liquid layout but with added media queries to alter the layout somewhat at certain resolutions.
This is so that you can create more suitable layouts not only for mobile devices but also utilise the greater space available at larger resolutions. Though I’m not sure if I’ll be looking to use such a method of design in all client work just yet I thought it was worth investigating the concept and attempt to implement a suitable solution.
So with this is mind I thought I would hijack the new Becky Naylor website to try this out. With recent redesigns of Dave’s site late last year and the Bronco site more recently Becky was looking for a refresh to her site. So with some spare time between client work I tested out how to implement the media queries correctly and then began designing the new website, which is now live.
As a personal website the site of course has to suit Becky and I really hope it does, it keeps aspects of the previous site but updates it, cleans it up and utilises some new technologies so it looks simply awesome in any modern browser.
Let’s hope it last’s her another couple of years.