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It’s been a while…

Careful! This post is looking a little old and could be inaccurate in many, many ways

…since I last added a blog post, so this is a little catch up. I once read that you should never feel obliged to blog as that is the quickest way to get bored of blogging, plus the content you do put out can be a little poor because of it.

The reason for not blogging recently has been due to a more active social life than usual. Since the last blog I’ve been to weddings, joined a gym and being dealing with a nice case of identity fraud. It appears in some instances people need only your real name and address to be able to fuck you over.

As a side note related to this, if you ever wish to contact me please do so through twitter or my contact form, unless you’ve previously dealt with me through these you will not have my correct email address.

Another reason for the lack of blog posts is that I’ve been working on a new version of the site, which feels a bit weird as the site has been featured a few times recently for its design. Anyway the design is taking some time again due to other things getting in the way but hopefully it’ll not take me too long to get it finished.

Of course the World Cup has taken up a considerable amount of time recently, sure England are now out after nothing short of a shocking performance but the rest of the competition has been really interesting with the big names such as France, Italy and Brazil all leaving the competition before anyone expected them to.

On to some work

You may have noticed I’ve finally added a few new sites to my portfolio. The number of sites I’ve launched recently hasn’t been so high due to larger projects taking more time to complete, but the level of work in the three new projects is something I’m really proud of and I’m finally pushing more new techniques such as CSS3 and @ font-face into client work.

Hopefully the portfolio will have a few more additions soon, but obviously I have to wait till the sites are live before adding those.