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Let’s see how long this one lasts

Careful! This post is looking a little old and could be inaccurate in many, many ways

Some people enjoy designing their own website. The designer is freed from the constraints that are usually part of client work and so can let their imagination run wild.

In the instances I try and do something similar it becomes a lot of work and simply finding the time to implement such ideas is near impossible. I need something that looks good and can be implemented quickly, without the worry of it taking a couple of months only for me to drop it in favour of something new.

And that’s where this design comes in. This is the something new that’s been designed and built over 24 hours where the previous unreleased version went unfinished for around 3 months.

The short development time will no doubt lead to issues that I’d not foreseen but with the previous released design actually stopping me from updating the website it was something that had to be done.

Hopefully I can just be happy with this design for a while.

[Note: At the time of publishing this the site has not been tested in IE8 or lower]