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Macworld 2009

Careful! This post is looking a little old and could be inaccurate in many, many ways

Let’s get this straight before I start, I’m not an Apple fanboy, I don’t see the point in spending over the odds for a laptop or PC equivalent just because it gets less viruses and it’s pretty. That being said I do own an iPhone, still a bit over priced but I feel it’s a product without equal. As I own my little piece of Apple technology I do keep up with the new developments to see if there’s anything new on the horizon to supplement or enhance my iPhone.

Today is Macworld 2009, reportedly the last attended by Apple and I must admit I’m amazingly bored at the lack of anything even remotely new. Sure there’s the software such as iWork and iLife but that’s nothing much to get excited about unless you use the software, and even then I presume many are unimpressed.

Then there is the 17″ Macbook Pro, a little better but when the last big Apple launch was all Notebooks it doesn’t feel like anything new. Also with the Macbook Pro there’s a new optional matte display. With the last set of Notebooks they dismissed adding a matte display:

11:01AM Q: Concern about the glossy screens. Are you going to offer another option?

A: Steve: We’re going all glass — we won’t offer another version. Phil: You offset the reflection by the brightness, and consumers love it. One of the great things about a notebook is you can turn it however you want!


Sounds like a bit of a u-turn to me.

Next comes iTunes, simply some cheaper songs and soon to be completely DRM free. This isn’t the biggest of surprise as they were beginning to lag behind the completion such as Amazon or both counts.

Here’s the little golden nugget for my iPhone though. I can now download music from iTunes over 3G not just Wi-Fi. A nice addition but as I’ve yet to download anything from iTunes on my desktop let alone my phone it’s something that doesn’t benefit me… yet.

And that was it, so many rumours of iPhone Nano’s, new Mac Mini’s (sorry Scott) and iMac’s.

It’s no wonder Steve Jobs didn’t do the keynote, he’d of been too ashamed of the offerings that he’d of lynched himself. Better luck next time Apple.