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The Smashing Book #2 starring me

Careful! This post is looking a little old and could be inaccurate in many, many ways

I hadn’t planned on buying the Smashing Book #2 before this weekend. As yet I have no opinion on the content of the books as I have yet to read them, my choice to not purchase them before was simply due to having too much other reading material, so I tend to be picky over what I add to the reading list.

Smashing Book 2

So why buy it?

As the post title might allude to I found out my site is actually featured in one of the chapters of the book. To see my site in an actual printed publication was certainly worth the money of the book through. When the book arrived this morning it was rather emotional to see.


So being emotional about something like this might seem stupid but it’s the first time I’ve had any of my work printed (since primary school) for many people to see. But it’s not only the fact that it will be seen but the explanation of my design highlights it as an excellent example of a specific design style, something that as a designer I work hard to achieve. I’m not doing this job to make up the numbers I truly want to make something that clients, users and my peers find interesting as well as something that works to meet its requirement.

One unfortunate point

I have to thank Daniel Sherratt for the tweets this past weekend informing my site was featured in the book. I’m not sure what is normal in these circumstances but I feel it would have been a nice gesture for the author of this particular chapter or Smashing Magazine to let me know my site was going to be contained within the book.

I wouldn’t go as far as to demand to be asked, or for a free book, these things don’t bother me but I wonder that if it wasn’t for Daniel that I maybe would have never have known of my sites inclusion.