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Welcome 2009

Careful! This post is looking a little old and could be inaccurate in many, many ways

After writing about my highlights of 2008 it seemed appropriate to now look forward to 2009 and write about what I will be doing this year and what I hope will happen, my New Year’s Resolutions I suppose.

The Killers

Obviously not web related but after a few years of trying I finally got tickets to see The Killers at the O2 in February. Although I’m still warming to the new Killers album I’m really looking forward to seeing them live as Hot Fuss is one of my favourite albums of all time and really want to see my favourite track ‘Jenny’ performed live.

Future of Web Design

Two months after the Killers gig I will be returning to London for the Future of Web Design conference, this time with good friend Scott Mallinson. Last year’s conference although daunting to go on my own was excellent, it was great to learn the sorts of tips and tricks that you cannot pick up from the Internet. Although I don’t recognise the speakers as much as I did last year’s I’m looking forward to seeing what they have to say and hopefully pick up some good ideas that help my own work.


Hopefully 2009 should be another good year at Bronco, currently we seem to be riding the economic downturn and will be expanding our numbers in February. On returning to work we will be launching a new ecommerce site and am currently redesigning one of our personal work sites that should hopefully solve some of the issues that have plagued it in the past. We also have a night out to see Jimmy Carr planned following the fun of seeing Paddy McGuiness in December.

With the addition of a wealth of new projects to work on it should be another good year.

My Website

Currently I’m pretty happy with my website, I still like the design and I feel the content is improving and I am posting fairly frequent which is always a plus. With new content and added portfolio items I hope the websites traffic and visibility will increase. The main aim is to ensure that the site is providing value to its audience.

Personal Project

In 2008 I posted about working on a personal project, which would take the form of a WordPress theme. Through December the project stalled a bit as I struggled to design a theme that would be fluid enough for public release. The project is something I still want to complete however I’m not enforcing any deadlines as it would lead to a weak end result.

Personal Life

I could easily list 101 resolutions for 2009 here, but these are the things that come February are forgotten about. The best thing is to lead a healthy and rich life, doing the things you love and grabbing the opportunities that present themselves.