What was I thinking?
Careful! This post is looking a little old and could be inaccurate in many, many ways
This is just a quick post to actually mention on my blog as well (as having previously done so on Twitter) that I lost my mind sometime in December and submitted an idea to talk (which was accepted, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this) at Think Visibility 7 in March.
The reason I say lost my mind has nothing to do with the conference itself more my aversion to public speaking or almost anything that draws attention which could then be negative. But hell it’s 2012 I’m apparently considered a grown up so I’m sure I can spend 45 minutes of my life trying something new and scary.
So with that in mind if you’re free on the 3rd of March and have a slightly odd interest in a design based talk at what is primarily an SEO conference with some extra stuff thrown in then please come along. I’m sure my talk will either be informative or entertaining (in you’ll see me crumble on stage), hell I might even manage both 🙂